What is the best time to schedule the show during our event?
GREAT QUESTION! Please keep in mind that unlike a musical act, or band, Jeff's stage show is not "ambient or atmosphere entertainment". The show is highly interactive and very funny, and people will want to laugh, applaud and participate during Jeff's performance. We ask that Jeff's show be scheduled either BEFORE or AFTER dinner, but NEVER DURING. (Not even dessert! - People do not like being interrupted during their meals or dinner conversations and will want to focus their attention fully on the action.
We want you to get your money's worth when it comes to entertaining your guests. Trust us, they'll thank you for it!
If you do not have a time scheduled for a "Show", then strolling close up magic is a perfect way to let people enjoy the magic, and not require a stage, or a scheduled time for entertainment.
Audience Size
What size audiences does Jeff perform for?
The smallest audience we recommend would be 50 people for his stage show. Larger audiences may range from 200-700 people to 2,500 or more, depending upon the venue, staging, etc. Jeff always adjusts his show accordingly. (The majority of Jeffs performances are usually for audiences ranging from 500 to 2,000 people in theaters and banquet facilities Depending upon the show and size of the audience, Jeff chooses material that is highly visual and suitable for the size and scope of each event.
Jeff can also perform close up magic for small intimate groups, allowing your guests to be astounded by magic that is perfromed just a couple of feet away or even in their own hands! This performance is usually done while strolling through a crowd during cocktail hour, or a hospitality suite.
Does Jeff use volunteers during his show, and if so, may we suggest people to him?
During a single performance, Jeff will chat with dozens of people in the audience and work with many different people during his comedy & magic routines. Everyone has a great time and no one is forced to volunteer if they don't want to. You may suggest certain individuals to Jeff, and he'll do his best to include them in the fun.
What are the rules regarding videotaping, photography and cell phones?
Due to strict copyrights and trade secrets, we do not allow any audio or video recording of Jeff's live stage show. (Exceptions can be made for segments of the show, allowing people wanting to tape their family member or boss etc. while they are participating in the action.
We do not allow recordings of any kind to be posted on the internet, including social media sites like YouTube & FaceBook, as it ruins the surprise of an actual LIVE performance and violates copyright laws. Still photos are fine and you're allowed to draw as many pictures as you like.
Types of shows
What kinds of shows do you do?
Corporate Banquets
Holiday parties
Trade Shows
Large Weddings
Cruise Ships
Fund Raisers
While his show is clean and engaging for all ages, Jeff does NOT perform at childrens birthday parties.